Friday 1 November 2013

Deep-fried twinkie burger

Deep-fried twinkie burger
Deep-fried twinkie burger, America is known for their love of burgers - but this may just be a bridge too far.

One burger joint in Philadelphia has revealed their newest addition to the menu: a Twinkie burger.

That's a burger - made of both beef and pork - with cheese and bacon.

But instead of bread, PYT have used four deep-fried Twinkies - cakes filled with sweet cream - instead.

The burger costs $12 (£7.50) and it will be a special on the menu for one week as the restaurant's burger of the week.

PYT posted a photo of the burger on their Facebook page, saying: "The Deep-Fried Twinkie Burger will be unleashed on an unsuspecting world...we are really sorry about this, but someone had to do it."

Customers were both amused and appalled. One person said: “That looks like a heart attack waiting to happen but good lord it looks freakin good.”

Another disagreed: "I’m sorry but that is gross."

"We had a friend leave some Twinkies with us on Sunday," said Sarah Brown, one of PYT's owners.

"We were playing around with them and came up with the idea for the burger."

And the number of calories? PYT manager Malcolm Kenyatta refused to even guess.

He said: “At PYT, we don’t want to have those conversations. This is an escape.”

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