Wednesday 24 October 2012

Ursula Stephens (hair stylist)

 Recording Artist Rihanna is known for her trendy haircuts and styling and Ursula Stephen is the genius behind all of those notorious Rihanna hair cuts. Ursula’s client list also included Keisha Cole and Michelle Williams (of Destiny’s Child). We asked her about her start in the industry, how she came to work with Rihanna and what kind of advice she has for other stylists.
YBI: How did you start your career as a hairdresser?

US: My high school was a beauty school, from there I went on to work as an assistant and then a couple of salons until I got my own chair--from there it was on!
YBI: What made you want to delve into the freelance world?

US: I got almost pushed into freelance and after the first experience it made me eager to do more work like that.YBI: How did you begin wor king with Rihanna?
US: I started working with Rihanna about 2 1/2 years ago, I filled in for another stylist at my agency, and Rihanna and I hit it off from there.
YBI: How did you feel when your client (Rihanna) started receiving so much recognition for her hair?

US: I felt excited, it was unexpected, I didn't think it would be that much response, but it was definitely a good feeling my work was getting recognized. At the end of the day, it's "all in a day's work for me."
YBI: How do you come up with new and creative ideas for looks for Rihanna with such a short hair cut?

US: Just the needing to keep her young and trendy puts the battery in my back. I do a lot of magazines and travel a lot, so I'm always looking, I look at shapes and things around me, it's so many things that just give me inspiration. Rihanna inspires me a lot as well, she's changing so much as an artist and person I'm trying to keep up with her!YBI: What’s the next career step for you?

US: So many things are on the table right now. Nothing concrete, I have a lot of things coming at me, but 09 is definitely going to be my year (again) lol! I am definitely looking forward to being an entrepreneur.

YBI: What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
US: This is cliché, but stay humble. I'm always around people that are in the business and they are so humble, that's key for me because it shows that you can still be big and stay humble and down to earth.

YBI: What advice do you have for your peers?
US: Do what you want to do because you love it, not because of the excitement or what you think it's going to be. If you love it, you'll do it well. Always take whatever job you're doing to the next level. If you're a janitor--be the best janitor you can be. Be the owner! Be the best! Stay humble.

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