Thursday 25 October 2012

Paul Ryan Policy Speech

Paul Ryan Policy Speech,  Less than two weeks before Election Day, Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan will give his first major policy speech as GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s running mate.On Wednesday, Ryan will deliver remarks on upward mobility and the economy at Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio, the campaign advised early Tuesday morning.

According to an aide, Ryan will lay out the vision and the policy reforms that Mitt Romney is offering in this election: “A protected space for civil society that is not threatened by government overreach, overspending and debt; a stronger safety net that helps those who are truly in need; a reformed education system that gives more choices to parents and more opportunities to children; and a robust and growing economy creating more jobs and better wages for all Americans.”While the Wisconsin congressman, as of Monday, has held 100 campaign events since being named to the GOP ticket by Romney in early August, this campaign speech for Ryan will be different. Ryan did speak to the AARP conference in September, but this event tomorrow will only cover a specific topic.

The policy speech, during which Ryan “will make the case that Americans stuck in poverty cannot afford four more years like the last four and that Mitt Romney offers better a pathway for low-income Americans to improve their lives through opportunity and upward mobility than the failed policies of President Obama,” will be delivered in the key battleground state of Ohio.

A poll of Ohio voters released Friday by Fox News showed the race tightening in the battleground state, with Obama leading Romney 46 percent to 43 percent.
Ryan will join a roundtable discussion with community leaders in the Buckeye Speech before delivering his speech Wednesday, which will mark his 25th event in the state.
Many of the points the GOP VP candidate will outline during this address will resemble ones he typically talks about everyday on the campaign trail. But, expect this event in Cleveland to be more formal; Ryan is expected to read his remarks from a teleprompter.

“Ryan has been delivering variants of this message for years -- his Values Voters address had elements of this message -- and his desire to make this case is inspired by his mentor, Jack Kemp, who cared passionately about bringing the message of growth and prosperity to inner-city neighborhoods and building relationships between the Republican Party and advocates for the poor,” a campaign aide said.

The congressman is set to hold two joint events with Romney on Tuesday in Nevada and Colorado before heading back to the Midwest on Wednesday for this address.

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