Tuesday 2 October 2012

New York Jets owner

New York Jets owner, After winning the support of New York Jets owner Woody Johnson, Mitt Romney now has the support of legendary quarterback John Elway, ahead of the first presidential debate tomorrow.
The former Denver Broncos quarterback hailed the Republican candidate as a 'proven leader' and called Romney and his vice-president hopeful Paul Ryan as a 'comeback team'.

The executive vice president of football operations for the Denver Broncos said: 'Governor Romney is a proven leader with the experience and background to turn around our struggling economy,' The Weekly Standard reported.

'In these tough economic times, we need a president who understands how to get America working again – by standing on the side of taxpayers and small-business owners who do the real job creating.
'I am endorsing Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan for President and Vice President because I know having the courage to make decisions and tackle challenges is what leads to results and real change. America needs a comeback team - Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are that team.'

A delighted Romney said he was thrilled to have the Hall of Fame footballer, who retired in 1999 and was statistically the second most prolific passer in the history of the NFL, backing him.
He said: 'Leaders come in many forms, and John Elway has always exemplified leadership, first as a quarterback for the Super Bowl champion Broncos, and now as an executive vice president for the team.
'He's had to overcome challenges during his career, and he knows what it takes to turn things around when things get tough.

I'm proud to have him on my team as we campaign to lead the comeback this nation desperately needs.'
Elway was joined by Woody Johnson - whose priorities go beyond the football field in an election season.
Appearing on Bloomberg TV's Market Makers on Monday morning, Johnson wore the Jets team colors on his tie as he candidly spoke on everything from politics to the recent referee lockout.
But at the conclusion of the interview, Market Makers co-host Stephanie Ruhle asked Johnson which was more important - a winning season for the Jets, or an election victory for Mitt Romney?
Johnson responded: 'Well I think you always have to put country first. So I think it's very very important - not only for us but in particular our kids and grandkids - that this election come off with Mitt Romney and [Paul] Ryan as president and vice president.'
Johnson, the Johnson & Johnson heir who also serves as one of Romney’s campaign finance co-chairs, is no stranger to the Republican cause.
In the past two days, Johnson held three major fundraisers for the Romney/Ryan ticket in New York.
Business Insider reported last month that Johnson donated $2,500 to Romney's campaignin 2012, but has raised millions in recent years for GOPers like Romney, George W. Bush and John McCain.
And if Johnson is putting more support behind Romney, it's certainly showing on the football field, as the Jets suffered a heartbreaking blowout loss on Sunday at home.
The injury-plagued team was stopped dead in their tracks by a superior San Francisco 49ers, who won 34-0.
Always slow to keep his temper under control, head coach Rex Ryan told reporters after Sunday's game: 'I was going to say we got our butt kicked, but really, we got our ass kicked. There's no two ways, ins or outs about it.'
Quarterback Mark Sanchez’s measly 13 completions in 29 attempts have some fans calling for him to take a seat on the bench and allow back-up Tim Tebow much more playing time.
Tebow said after the game: 'Me and Mark have a great relationship and we're not worried about that. We're not worried about what others are saying.'
Johnson, who called the loss 'absolutely unacceptable,' said it didn’t mean Tebow will start next week, but admitted 'it's a question that’s going to be asked more frequently.'

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