Wednesday 3 October 2012

Brad Pitt Pringles Commercial

Brad Pitt Pringles Commercial, We’ve been lucky enough to see a great deal of Brad Pitt on the red carpet recently, and as I’ve often said, I think Brad gets better with age.
Although there was no denying that he was attractive when he was younger, he was – as Quentin Tarantino said – a bit of a pretty boy whereas now he’s all man.

Still, I thought it would be fun to take a look way back for this week’s Friday Flashback. WAY back.

Yes, that is indeed Brad Pitt in a Pringles commercial doing his best surfer boy hair and smile. It’s kind of funny to see him back then, he was just a kid compared to now.
I don’t know. He was adorable to be sure, but I prefer seeing photos of Brad from these days!

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