Monday 19 November 2012

Katie Holmes Vogue Interview

Katie Holmes Vogue Interview, When one is leaving Tom Cruise, there is a legal battle to consider (in this case, miraculously wrapped up within days,

leaving the cognoscenti to wonder who had what on whom). Then there’s the pain. But as a divorced friend of mine once noted, the woman has usually done all the suffering by the time she announces she’s leaving.

In any case, it’s all beer and skittles over at Katie’s house. A recent shopping spree at Barneys to the tune of $20,000 worth of Louboutins and – oh my! – lingerie is the red flag that tells any woman that Ms Holmes is off to one hell of a fresh start.

Once seen as Tom’s increasingly repressed and dowdy Stepford wife, albeit an A-list one, Katie Holmes has earned the newfound respect of a legion of women.

We can appreciate that taking on the Tom Cruise juggernaut, where things do rather tend to go his way, would take grit and courage. Now a new narrative beckons, with better career moves and New York City accoutrements like walking everywhere, bagels and, clearly, Barneys.

Sparkles, buckles, lace and studding adorn the exquisitely sculpted Louboutins, the city-girl talisman that puts a girl oh-so in the seduction game. Nice curveball you threw there, Katie –and love the shoes. Feel free to tower over your next man…

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