Friday 14 December 2012

Officer gives ticket and $100

Officer gives ticket and $100, On behalf of Philip Sheldon of Traffic Ticket Pros posted in Traffic Tickets on Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Last week we reported on how traffic stops can be annoying or terrifying depending on the circumstances. After all, we hate to be cited for unintended wrongdoing, for it creates yet another financial hardship. However, a police officer in suburban Dallas did something out of the ordinary that embodied the holiday spirit.

According to a CBS report, a Plano police officer had cited a driver for expired registration tags. The driver explained that he had been struggling to support his children and how his meager salary didn't allow him to pay for much after his bills were paid.

He told the officer that he really had no excuse for not paying his registration, but his financial problems were genuine.

Essentially, he had to decide on feeding his two small children or paying his registration.

When the officer wrote the citation and issued it, the driver could not believe what he saw. A $100 bill was folded in the ticket. The driver was overcome with gratitude.

The officer never told anyone about this random act of kindness, but the driver's grandmother wrote a letter to the Plano Police Department praising the officer's actions. According to the department's information officer, it was a situation where the officer felt that the driver needed the money.

The driver was able to update his registration and is now driving to a new job that will help ease his financial burdens.

We understand that police officers must enforce the law, but more random acts of kindness wouldn't hurt.

Source:, Plano police officer wraps $100 bill in traffic ticket, December 11, 2012

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