Sunday 16 December 2012

Survivor: Philippines finale

Survivor: Philippines finale, The “Survivor: Philippines” finale (airing Sunday, December 16, 2012) started off with a recap of how we have gotten to the final four and by the end of the night we will have a winner.

During the recap we find out that Denise has been to every single tribal council this season and yet still survives. We also are reminded that the final four, Denise, Malcolm, Lisa and Skupin have been in an alliance for much of the game and they have actually stuck to it and it worked out how they planned it clear back on the first day of the merge.

The show then picks up right after the most recent tribal council where they voted off Abi and all four of them are happy that she is gone. Skupin says it is actually the best feeling he has had in the game. Malcolm isn’t so happy because of the things Abi said during the tribal council that made it look like he is a shoe-in to win the million dollars and now he has to do some damage control.

The next day they have a reward challenge sprung on them. The challenge has them race through an obstacle course. During the race they will collect puzzle pieces then use them to solve a puzzle at the end. The winner will win an advantage in the final immunity challenge. Probst refers to it as the biggest reward ever in “Survivor” history.

Skupin collects his pieces first with Denise and Malcolm right behind him and Lisa not too far back. It is anyone’s challenge as they attack the puzzle. It is a very cool dragon puzzle that Denise and Malcolm excel in. They are very close in the challenge, but Malcolm wins. He is handed a piece of paper and told that he can’t open it until tomorrow’s final immunity challenge.

Back at camp Malcolm hopes that anyone other than Denise wins immunity so he can vote her out and take Lisa and Skupin to the final three. Denise makes her pitch to Malcolm even suggesting that they vote for a tie between her and Lisa so they could face-off in the tie-breaker, but he won’t commit. She is nervous and knows she is in trouble. Denise goes to Lisa and they basically agree that if Malcolm loses immunity they will vote him out. Skupin then explains that he and Lisa also have that same agreement with Malcolm so it looks good that these two will make it to the final three with either Malcolm or Denise.

Before the final immunity challenge the final four have to do the “Survivor” traditional walk where they walk along a path taking the name plates from the people who have been voted out. It always amazes me how many of them I never remember having been on the game.

At the immunity challenge the contestants must balance a metal ball on a piece of wood that they hold between their hands. Periodically longer piece of wood will be added to length that they must hold making it heavier and harder to control. If you drop the ball you are out. Malcolm’s advantage is that he gets a second chance. If he drops the ball he can start again.

The piece of wood that they must balance starts off small and easy to control, but soon more is added to it and it becomes harder to control. Malcolm is actually the first to drop the ball so he must use his advantage right away. They restart and now anyone who drops the ball is out.

It isn’t long after the restart that Malcolm’s hands are badly shaking and he drops the ball again. He is the first person out. Denise, out of nowhere, drops her ball leaving Skupin and Lisa. After more wood is added Skupin and Lisa resume the challenge head-to-head for immunity. Both make it through the next round and must add more wood. Now they are balancing a very long, hard to control piece of wood with the ball on it. Both wobble, but Skupin outlasts Lisa and wins the final immunity challenge. Jeff announces that it has been12 years since Skupin first played “Survivor” and now he will get to finish the journey he began then.

Back at camp both Denise and Malcolm make their pitches to Skupin and Lisa who are undecided which of them they want to vote off. Denise also throws out the idea of trying to get Malcolm to vote with her for Lisa and forcing a tie so it goes to a tie-breaker.

At tribal council it is very clear that it is going to be Malcolm or Denise and they both make their case as to why it should be the other person that is voted off. In the end it is a 3-1 vote. Malcolm is voted out and becomes the final member of the jury. As he leaves he turns and says, “Congratulations Denise.”

That night back at camp Denise is happy to be there and Skupin mentions what Malcolm has said. He says that Malcolm clearly thinks Denise will be the easy winner, but he plans to have a lot to say about that. In the morning the final three are rewarded with the arrival of some great breakfast foods. The three all soak it in and talk about how they plan to speak to jury as well as how they feel making it this far.

The final three make their way to the final tribal council. They each get to make an opening statement then the jury will address them and then they vote. Denise goes first and says she will not apologize for being in the final three. She talks about being a value in camp and in challenges and how she made moves, made alliances and did what she needed to do. She points out that she survived every tribal council and she deserves to win. Lisa is next. She says she felt her strategy was not pretty. She fell on her face from time to time and had to readjust her game. She talks about how eventually she started trusting her gut and stopped being afraid of hurting each other. Skupin points out that as a returning player he had a target on him from the start so he played his guts out. He said he respected the core of the game and he loves the game so he deserves the win.

As the jury addresses the final three some of them are bitter, some ask decent questions and some congratulate. For the most part the contestants give pretty good answers. The best of the jurors is Penner who in a charismatic, charming and funny way eviscerates Skupin and Denise then he exposes Lisa to the jury as a former TV star. The jury seems a little shocked. She doesn’t seem very happy about it.

The jury votes then the show transitions to the after-show where Probst reads the votes. In the end Skupin and Lisa each get one vote and Denise gets the rest winning the million dollar prize being crowned the champion of “Survivor: Philippines.” Lisa is announced as the fan voted player of the season and wins $100,000 from Sprint.

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