Friday 24 August 2012

Harper Introduced As ‘prime Minister Of Cannibal’

Harper Introduced As ‘prime Minister Of Cannibal’, In less than a week, two members of Parliament have made the same gaffe while introducing the PM. Stephen Harper introduced as the ‘prime minister of cannibal’ – twice, Oops, he did it again. In less than a week, a second Member of Parliament has introduced Prime Minister Stephen Harper as the “prime minister of cannibal.”

Rookie MP Ryan Leef was the first to do it on Monday, while hosting a Conservative party barbecue fundraiser outside Whitehorse, Yukon. (Yes, he called him a cannibal at a barbecue.)

And then on Wednesday, speaking as the announcement of a new national park in the Northwest Territories, Environment Minister Peter Kent did the same thing: he introduced Stephen Harper as the “prime minister of cannibal” before quickly correcting himself.

According to CBC News, the senior cabinet minister blamed Leef for his miscue, telling the crowd the MP had just regaled about his own verbal gaffe earlier in the week.

Harper laughed off both mistakes, joking that his two caucus MPs had managed “to confirm rumours about me.”

Users on Twitter were quick to quip about the MP’s flubs:

I think that’s enough, right there, for some left wing web site to start a Harper-is-a-cannibal conspiracy theory. – Stephen Maher (@stphnmaher) August 22, 2012

“Prime Minister of Cannibal” makes a great movie title. Thanks Peter Kent/Ryan Leef – you’re really onto something! – Magali Simard (@Magali_TIFF) August 23, 2012

Paging Dr. Freud: Stephen Harper, The cannibal Prime Minister – Michael Markwick (@anti_rogue) August 22, 2012

Now, if this happens a third time, then we’ve really got a story.

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