Saturday 14 September 2013

Gerard Depardieu blames prostate problems for airline incident

Gerard Depardieu blames prostate problems for airline incident
Gerard Depardieu blames prostate problems for airline incident
Gerard Depardieu blames prostate problems for airline incident, A friend of Gerard Depardieu claims prostate problems were to blame for the actor's airplane urination incident.

It had to leak.

Gerard Depardieu made headlines Tuesday when he urinated in public on a CityJet flight from Paris to Dublin, but a friend of the actor claimed it wasn't booze that caused the stream heard around the world, but a prostate condition the actor hadn't yet disclosed.

"He has prostate problems, and it was very worrying and humiliating for him," Depardieu's traveling companion, actor Edouard Baer, told the BBC.

Baer said that Depardieu's medical issue caused him to leap up and inform the flight crew he needed to use the facilities. When he was told it wasn't possible, the "Green Card" actor decided to make use of an empty bottle.

Unfortunately, it wasn't quite large enough for the deposit that the 62-year-old French actor was looking to make.

A representative for the airline said to Agence France-Presse, '"I will only confirm that he, in effect, urinated in the plane."

Nobody disputes this claim, but Baer said his pal was embarrassed and did his best to be helpful.

"Gerard was upset at this and offered to clean up the mess," Depardieu's drier companion said of the overflow.

And despite rumors to the contrary, Baer said his pal hadn't been drinking when the incident occurred.

"He was also stone-cold sober at the time," Baer said. "This is not the way he usually behaves."

It doesn't take a whiz to recognize that a prostate problem could be to blame for this soggy situation, but why Depardieu didn't take care of business before boarding remains a mystery.

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