Thursday 19 September 2013

Duck commander company 1973

Duck commander company 1973
Duck commander company 1973
Duck commander company 1973, The Duck Dynasty sold-out Detroit show has advertised to would-be Michigan audience members that they'll have the opportunity to hear the Robertson's share stories, their faith, duck call demonstrations, and hunting tips on Sept. 22.

"People are thinking, what in the world are these guys going to do on stage?" Duck Dynasty star Jase Robertson told The Daily Tribune. "We share stories of our lives. We share our faith. We banter back and forth. A lot of that is off the top of our heads. When we get together, that's the way we are."

Willie Robertson, CEO of Duck Commander, his brother Jase and their uncle Si, will all be up on stage for the event.

The Robertsons' patriarch Phil Robertson created the Duck Commander duck call in 1972 and founded Duck Commander Co. in 1973. All the family members were raised to hunt--and cook--duck, dove, squirrel, deer, geese and turkey.

Jase was very adamant that the family hunts for food — not for sport.

"I'm not a trophy type hunter in any way. We were raised on the river bank, and we were extremely poor. We commercial-fished the river for money. We lived off the land. Ninety percent of the meals we had growing up were from the woods and the water," he said. "I only deer hunt for food. The big bucks that everybody's after, they don't taste near as good as some of the others."

Jase has had fun with his wife Missy, who was not raised killing her own food. One time he brought home frog and convinced her to eat it by telling her it was chicken.

After eating the meal, Missy told Jase, "That was the greatest chicken I ever ate. What did you do to it?"

"Well, you just ate frog," Jase replied.

Jase said that their newfound fame hasn't changed how the family interacts with each other or their values.

"We're not into things. What can you buy? What can you do? If you're happy with the people you're with, to me, that's what matters," Robertson said. "We're enjoying the ride. It's a good thing. We use [our fame] as a platform to share our faith. We go around and try to make a positive impact on our world and use our notoriety to do that."

Twelve million viewers tuned into A&E's Duck Dynasty Season 4 premiere. The half-hour reality TV show debuted in 2012 and follows the Robertson's family's lives in Louisiana.

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