Monday 4 November 2013

Benghazi car-bomb kills four members of family; protests follow

Benghazi car-bomb kills four members of family; protests follow, A remotely controlled bomb destroyed a car in Benghazi, Libya, killing four members of a family, officials said.

Sulaiman Ahmed al-Fsaee and three members of his family, including a 2-year-old child were killed in the explosion Sunday, the Libya Herald reported.

Later in the day, protesters gathered outside a hotel in Benghazi, calling on local residents to take action to stop terrorist killings in the city.

Protesters held signs that read, "Stop sleeping, sons of Benghazi, do something" and "If you don't do something, you could be next."

"We don't even have an army because all the men are being killed," one protester said. "What are we waiting for?"

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