Monday 2 September 2013

Kristen stewart and robert pattinson dating august 2013?

Kristen stewart and robert pattinson dating august 2013?, Rob — right now you are working very hard to maintain your split from KStew, but deep down, don’t you know that there are multiple reasons why you’d be happier back together?

Robert Pattinson, you’ve been on a deliberate campaign to start a new life away from Kristen Stewart since splitting from her in May.

Robert Pattinson, Don’t Cut Kristen Stewart Out

First you cut off all communication with your ex — phone calls, texts and personal get-togethers.

The completeness of the breakup shocked Kristen, who had expected that you would at least stay friends.

Then you got busy building and hanging out with a new group of friends. Katy Perry was your first shoulder to lean on. Then you bonded with Michelle Rodriguez, Sia Furler, Mischa Barton, and director of Arbitrage, Nick Jarecki – just to name a few.

And that delivered the message big time to Kristen that you wanted to put her firmly in your past. All of which made her very sad, understandably.

“Kristen is certainly not over Rob. If she ran into him, she would be thrilled. It’s Rob who has distanced himself from Kristen,” a friend close to Kristen revealed exclusively to “He rarely hangs out in the same area as Kristen and her friends. It’s just easier for him this way. He’s kind of had to start a new life with new friends.”

Well Rob, it certainly has appeared that you wanted to be over Kristen and never look back, but then a different source, close to you, gave us a new and deep insight into what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling — it puts a whole new perspective on your whole quest to distance yourself from Kristen.

Rob, You Understand Why Kristen Betrayed You
“Rob loves Kristen and always will,” the source revealed. “Rob is well aware of why Kristen cheated on him. He understands that it wasn’t because of a lack of love. It was more so a fear of intimacy on Kristen’s part. Everyone takes on different experiences from their upbringings.”

So, your split from Kristen may have stemmed from the emotional fallout of her cheating. But you also have a deep understanding and empathy for why, at the young age of 22, Kristen did cheat.

Nevertheless, despite your understanding, you were still deeply hurt by her betrayal and the feeling of losing your best friend, according to the source close to you.

And yes that is very difficult to get over. But on the other hand, it seems that you do still very much love Kristen AND that she was very good for you. She helped put you on a path of personal self-confidence and self-fulfillment.

Kristen “always encouraged Rob to be fearless, to follow his own path. To believe in himself. To take risks. To do something every day that scared him,” reveals the source.

She was a true best friend to you Rob, and that’s a very, very special thing. Not every man gets that kind of unconditional support from their girlfriend, especially when they are both very young.

No wonder you still love her. The source says that you have no regrets about your relationship, despite the cheating incident.

Kristen’s support, for all those years that you were together, must also be the reason you still have so much respect for her.

So much respect, that you broke up your budding romance with her friend and former co-star, Riley Keough.

“Rob’s no longer romantically involved with Riley, mainly out of respect for Kristen,” the source said.

Rob, when you saw Kristen a couple of weeks ago on the weekend of August 3, you had some involved, clear-the-air conversations about the split and about Riley.

It was then that you made the decision to end that relationship. I would guess that Kristen explained to you why it was such a hurtful situation for her.

Rob, It’s Clear You Still Have A Connection With Kristen
All of this shows how deep your feelings for Kristen still run. And also, how strong your connection still is.

That’s why I think you need to reconsider your split. You both still love each other. Kristen, like you, is attempting to move on with her life, but is clearly more vocal to her friends and family about her sadness.

Rob, you may be masking your true feelings by going out to parties, restaurants and bars with friends, but you’re walking away from the woman you still love and who was your best friend.

She, as the source revealed, encouraged you to fulfill your dreams and be true to yourself.

How many other girlfriends will “get” you like she did and offer that same unconditional support?

You & Kristen Understand Each Other
Lots of other girls may be fun or good in bed or both, BUT not many will ever deeply understand you for who YOU truly are– not just Robert Pattinson, the huge movie star.

Kristen never cared and will never care about whether you are a commercially successful actor or musician.

She loves you for you. You also love her for her.

“The thing that Rob loved and admired so much about Kristen is her ability to be absolutely herself and not care what others think,” the source said. “She is fearless, and this is what has always captivated Rob.”

So Rob, will you really find that with someone else? What you and Kristen had was very special.

Think about it and keep thinking about it. Are you just running away from true love? What do you think, HollywoodLifers? Should Rob reconsider his breakup from Kristen? Let me know!

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