Monday 2 September 2013

Kerry samples syria

Kerry samples syria, Half of all Americans say they wouldn’t support military action against the Syrian government but the public is more supportive if the potential attack is limited to cruise missile strikes on specific Syrian targets, a new NBC News poll finds. And nearly 80% want President Barack Obama to seek approval from Congress before taking any action.

The poll shows the public giving Mr. Obama scant approval overall for his handling of the Syrian crisis in the wake of chemical weapons attacks that killed hundreds of Syrian civilians. Just 35% of the 700 people surveyed said they approved of how the president is dealing with one of the most difficult foreign policy challenges of his administration. But half of those polled say they would support a cruise-missile strike from U.S. naval ships targeting Syrian military units and infrastructure used to carry out chemical attacks.

And nearly six in 10 Americans say the use of chemical weapons should be seen as a “red line” that, if crossed, should require a significant U.S. response including a possible military action. Mr. Obama last year warned that a chemical attack in Syria would constitute a red line.

Administration officials briefed members of Congress last night on the details of a possible military strike just hours after the British parliament voted against any British participation in any future strikes.

The poll underscores deep public ambivalence about the possibility of attacking Syria, an uneasiness that also runs through the Obama administration, Congress and the military.

Barely a fifth of Americans in the poll said military action would be in the U.S. national interest, and just 27% thought a military strike would improve the situation there.

If the U.S. does act, 56% said the aim should be to stop the use of chemical weapons, but a small fraction of those polled—16% or under—said the intent should be to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad or to stop the fighting between the government and the rebel groups.

The president’s overall job approval, at 44%, dropped to its lowest level since November 2011. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.7%.

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