Wednesday 12 September 2012

Anne Heche Tickle Time

Anne Heche Presents Tickle Time! Caption Anne Heche, James Tupper and their children Homer and AtlasAnne Heche was recently here in our studios for Access Hollywood Live, and let me tell you, as beautiful as she is on screen, she is even more lovely in person. Her skin is radiant. And as someone who is also fair, I can really appreciate how she’s taken such good care of her skin.

“I often get asked what I do for my skin and my answer is always the same,” Anne says. “I use sunblock. I have learned that to have good skin you must keep it protected from the sun.”

Anne (pictured with partner James Tupper and kids Homer and Atlas) is so diligent about protecting her family from the dangers of the sun that she’s taken matters into her own hands.

She’s just launched “Tickle Time” Mineral Powder Sunblock for kids! The water-resistant sunblock is made of 100 percent all-natural minerals and offers complete UVA/UVB protection.

“We needed the purest minerals for the sunblock, and funnily enough that was the easiest part,” Anne says. ”Once we partnered with La Bella Donna Mineral Skincare, we knew we had the best product on the market. Mineral rock is a natural barrier to sun, refined through a triple jet milling process into a micronized powder that won’t absorb into the skin. Tickle Time Sunblock creates a complete barrier. La Bella Donna knows pure minerals better than anyone and with their wisdom we have learned and come to love the benefits of minerals as much as they do.”

Anne had been on a hunt to find a sunscreen that worked for her family. She was having a hard time getting the boys to sit still long enough to apply greasy creams and sticky sprays that they hated. That’s what’s cool about Tickle Time’s powder formula…it’s super easy to apply with a big fluffy built-in brush. So unique… and fun for kids!

“Homer and Atlas now ask for Tickle Time,” Anne says. “They remind James and me if we forget. That’s a miracle. Because it’s FUN, they have learned to take care of their skin. Offering the Tickle Time solution so that kids can feel the pride of taking care of themselves is something I couldn’t have foreseen. If you ask me how I feel right now, I’d say I feel elated. I’m actually helping kids. That’s a dream come true. And my kids are helping kids by being the example. They are the perfect Tickle Time models because they BELIEVE in the product and they are telling the TRUTH that it works. Just look at their skin!”

The 100 percent chemical free sunblock is $35 and available in three translucent colors (fair, light to medium and medium to darker) to best match your child’s skin tone. Anne couldn’t be more excited that Tickle Time is finally here.

“It was just an idea I had one day and now it’s going to be in the hands of hopefully more than just my children, protecting their sweet faces. The product that has kept my children from sunburn, tears, annoyance and frustration every morning is now going to alleviate that problem for other families. I can’t believe it!” she explains.

“Bottom line, I’d say my family feels very proud that we’ve created a product that helps people,” Anne says. ”I asked Homer if he is proud of Tickle Time Sunblock this morning and he lit up, ‘Yeah!’ he beamed. It started as like this little sunblock idea and then we were laughing about it, and now it’s launching!”

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