Monday 4 November 2013

Mom Defends Dressing Up Son As KKK Member for Halloween: It's Tradition

Mom Defends Dressing Up
Mom Defends Dressing Up Son As KKK Member for Halloween: It's Tradition, A Virginia mother who dressed her 7-year-old son as a member of the Ku Klux Klan for Halloween told a local TV station she made him the costume after he personally asked for it.

Speaking with WHSV, the ironically named Jessica Black of Craigsville defended the "costume" as a "family tradition."

"My brother has when he was in Kindergarten and when he was 13," said Black.

Little Jackson claims he first came across the getup while watching Fried Green Tomatoes and thought it was "cool."

The photo first surfaced on WHSV's Facebook page, where it was posted by a viewer, leading to threats against Black.

"I did tell him that if you do it, you know there's going to be people talking about you, there's going to be people saying bad things about you when you do wear it," Black told the ABC affiliate.

Despite the backlash from neighbors, Black stands by her decision, and her support for the KKK.

"It's suppose to be white with white. Black with black. Man with woman and all of that," she said. "That's what the KKK stands for."

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