Sunday 3 November 2013

Jacqueline laurita rhonj season 5

Jacqueline laurita rhonj season 5, Hello again! Some of you doubted I would return for Season 5. Many of you requested I come back and use my platform as a way to raise Autism Awareness. After much consideration, my family and I made the decision to come back and continue to open up and share our lives with you.

Please understand that "Autism" is NOT my "storyline." "Autism" is our "reality." We live with it everyday. There is no way around it. A few ignorant people may call it "exploiting" my son, while I call it "raising autism awareness." It has become our mission to recover our son while helping as many other families as we can. I am proud of what we've accomplished so far.

During the filming of Season 4, our son was regressing in his milestones. I didn't bring attention to it while filming, because we didn't have a diagnosis or even a treatment plan in place yet. I didn't want people speculating on what my son's issues were, so we decided to keep it quiet until we had an actual diagnosis. It was a very difficult and devastating year for our family. I think you all have witnessed how I kept breaking down. I cried a lot that season. I still cry when I get overwhelmed at times, but it makes me stronger and ready to take on the next challenge.

Soon after filming Season 4, my son was diagnosed with Autism as we had suspected. As much as we prepared ourselves for that diagnosis, nothing could have prepared us for when we heard those words and we saw it in black and white on a piece of paper. It was heartbreaking.

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