Wednesday 6 November 2013

Boston Red Sox say “Thank you” to Cardinals, fans with full-page ad

Boston Red Sox say “Thank you” to Cardinals, fans with full-page ad
Boston Red Sox say “Thank you” to Cardinals, fans with full-page ad, If you’re flipping through the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Tuesday, you might find something that will make you smile.
The Boston Red Sox took out a full-page ad in the paper to say ‘thank you’ to the St. Louis Cardinals organization and its fans.

The layout includes a picture of two young fans — one a Cardinals fans and the other a Red Sox fan.
The letter signed by the Red Sox owner, chairman and president says the,  “Midwestern welcome you extended to our team and our fans during this year’s hard-fought World Series is truly appreciated.”

“I literally saw the ad this morning and thought what a classy move by the Boston Red Sox,” says Nancy Long the vice president for marketing.

For many turning to page three of today’s post was a pleasant surprise.
“The owner as you probably know of the Red Sox is also the owner of the Globe, John Henry,” says Long.  “So he clearly knows the ability to reach the biggest audience in St. Louis is to run a full page ad full color in our newspaper.”

This new sense of civility in sports actually began last year when the Chicago Blackhawks beat the Bruins to win the Stanley Cup, and then took out an ad in the Boston Globe to thank the team and its fans for a great final.
“I think it’s great,” says Wade Quarles.  “It demonstrates the mutual respect between the two cities and two of the greatest baseball teams in the history of the major leagues.”

“I mean I thought it was a nice gesture,” says Lucretia Payne.  “I guess you could say a little bitter sweet but I thought it was really a nice thing for them to do.  Very thoughtful and um, hopefully sincere.”
“I mean they’re serious about baseballand that’s their favorite team for sure,” says Larry Wolters, a former Boston resident. “But they go a different crazy over there.”

While this tip of the cap to the Cardinals, the fans and the city of St. Louis is nice.
It’d be even better if we could pay that forward next October and send a thank you note of our own.

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