Monday 4 November 2013

An Imprisoned Member of Pussy Riot Has Gone Missing

An Imprisoned Member of Pussy Riot Has Gone Missing
An Imprisoned Member of Pussy Riot Has Gone Missing, A member of Pussy Riot, the Russian punk outfit that found themselves in prison after insulting Russian President Putin, has not been heard from by her family since she was transferred to a new prison 11 days ago.

According to her husband, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova was moved eleven days ago and has not been in contact since. Even her current location has been kept secret. Tolokonnikova had been on hunger strike in her penal colony in Mordavia before the move.

Her husband told Buzzfeed that the Russian authorities "want to cut her off from the outside world," and that he believed the orders to move her came straight from Moscow. Her husband last knew his wife's whereabouts when she was loaded onto a train heading to a different prison on October 21st. She was reportedly seen by a fellow passenger as the train arrived in Chelyabinsk, almost 2,000 kilometers from Moscow.

By the time of her removal from Mordavia, Tolokonnikova had launched two hunger strikes in protest of her prison conditions. Her new prison's location remains unknown.

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