Sunday 2 September 2012

10 First Date Mistakes He'll Judge You For

10 First Date Mistakes He'll Judge You For, Don't Blow It!
Dates are a tricky thing, especially first dates. They can be nerve wrecking, leaving men and women alike full of anxiety and confusion as they try to formulate a way of making a good first impression.

The last thing any woman wants to do the night she has a hot date with a guy she's into is blow it. Before settling down and finding love, relationship expert Kevin Carr went on a lot of dates, and he says, women often make the same mistakes. Here are 10 he says you can, and should avoid.
Location, Location, Location!
Absolutely no first dates in the living room -- yours or his. This sends the wrong message to a man. It tells him that you are entirely too comfortable too soon. If you spend the first date on his couch, where will you spend the second?
What Time IS It?
Grandma said it best: "Ain't nothing open after midnight but legs." The later the hour the more relaxed you become. This makes it especially hard to pay attention to detail, which is imperative on a first date. Plus, dates scheduled earlier in the day allow for more flexibility. For example, if you hit it off, you may want to add another activity to the date that wasn't originally planned. Can you do that at 2 a.m.?
Clothes Are Required
Men are visual. The first thing we see often determines the first thing we think, so remember to dress appropriately on a first date. Yes, be sexy, but don't let it all hang out. Leave something for the imagination; guessing is a good thing, as it will add to a man's intrigue.
No Job Interviews
"Where do you work?" "How much do you make?" "What are your future plans?" No one likes to be interrogated on a first date. Cultivating conversation and listening intently will reveal everything that you need to know about him. Give it time.
Ditch the Attitude
Believe it or not, men are often nervous on first dates too. Smile and be approachable. He is busy trying to make a good first impression with you, so throw him a bone.
No M-Bombs!
Watch those "m-bombs" on date one, ladies. Take it easy. Too serious and intimate of a conversation can potentially scare him off.
Let's Talk About Sex
Just not on the first date. Your conversation tells a lot about where your mind is and reveals pieces of your character. Men observe this and act accordingly. Conversation goes a long way in creating the perceptions of the mind. Remember that.
Check Your Insecurities At the Door
For men, insecurity can be either a turn on or a turn off. Either way, you lose. It is important to be sure of yourself. Confidence is contagious but the absence of it cannot be hidden. Be confident in who you are. A real man will find that sexy!
Go Home Alone
It's true, we are all adults, and we have the right to do what we please with our bodies. That said, when you're looking to establish a healthy relationship, sex on the first date is a very bad idea. If you give him all of you, all at once, he has no incentive to pursue you further. You deserve better.

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