Friday 1 November 2013

Edward Snowden gets a tech support job at 'major' Russian website

Edward Snowden gets a tech support job at 'major' Russian website
Edward Snowden gets a tech support job at 'major' Russian website, On the run from the US government at a secret location somewhere in Russia, Edward Snowden has decided to do something productive with his time. His lawyer, Anatoly Kucherena, has informed a Russian news agency that Snowden has secured employment with a "major" Russian website and will start work on Friday. Neither the particular employer nor Snowden's exact duties have been detailed, other than to say that he'll be performing a "technical support" role.

The most public candidate for Snowden's services so far has been VK — Russia's answer to Facebook — which offered the NSA whistleblower a job back in August. It was, according to Kucherena, only one of many offers for work and collaboration that Snowden received in the wake of his asylum approval by the Russian authorities. Having already handed over all his classified NSA documents to the press, Snowden is now turning his attention to the practicalities of supporting himself and potentially rebuilding his life after the great upheaval caused by his disclosures of US spying practices.

Update: One of the other big names rumored to have taken up Snowden's services was Yandex, the big search and online services company, however we can now remove its name from the running. In an emailed comment to The Verge, the company says that "Yandex is not the future employer of Edward Snowden. We've never received a job application from him."

VK's press officer George Lobushkin declined to offer any comment on today's news.

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