Tuesday 29 October 2013

Pasta and depression

Pasta and depression
Pasta and depression, A recent study shows that pasta can lead to depression. In the study, researchers evaluated 43,000 women who were not diagnosed with depression and looked at their diet.

Women who ate pasta as well as other refined grains, were 29 percent to 41 percent more likely to be diagnosed with depression than women who avoided refined grains, junk food and soft drinks and had healthier diets.

Researchers have long known that a healthy diet can improve moods disorders. The University of Eastern Finland also studied the affects of pasta and other foods on men, and came to the same conclusion.

“The study reinforces the hypothesis that a healthy diet has potential not only in the warding off of depression, but also in its prevention,” Anu Ruusunen with the university said.

Pasta along with junk food,sugar, and processed meats also caused inflammation in many of the study participants. Nutritionists say that to make the mind and body healthy, people should eat a diet rich in vegetable and fruit and hole-grains, poultry, fish and low-fat cheese. Study participants who added high amounts of these foods to their diets were the least likely to be diagnosed with depression.

Depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental illnesses in the world. People who suffer from depression often feel moody, sad and hopeless and the illness can prevent many people from living a normal life. Doctors and researchers agree that new methods of depression prevention are needed and many believe that a healthy diet may be one of the best ways to fight depression symptoms.

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