Monday 9 September 2013

Laura dern my boyfriend got married and I never heard from him again

Laura dern my boyfriend got married and I never heard from him again
Laura dern
Laura dern my boyfriend got married and I never heard from him again, Maybe Laura Dern was the kicker that kept Angelina Jolie at bay and away. Much was made about the supposed showdown that was scheduled for a wild Saturday night in Beverly Hills with Brad Pitt and his ex wife Jennifer Aniston and one very pregnant Angelina Jolie.

Would it be high tension and high drama? It would have had to have been better than the actual Academy Awards ceremony that was broadcast on ABC on Sunday night that scored the lowest numbers ever. Ratings were down and no one seems to care who won what Oscar. Take that Academy Awards!

But everyone seemed to care about the night before the Oscars and they all wanted to see who would show and who would take a pass. There may had been a ace in the hole and it was Laura Dern.

Remember her? Back in the day Both Dern and her sweetie at the time, Billy Bob Thornton, were telling magazines of their plans for marriage and their happy home life. Then � "I left home to work on a movie, and while I was away, my boyfriend got married, and I've never heard from him again," Dern said in Talk Magazine. Of course the woman Billy Bob wound up marrying was Angelina Laura Dern, Too: No Wonder Angelina Jolie Didn't Show UpThey worked together on a film, just as Brad and Angelina worked on a film. Maybe Jolie didn't want to stare down Laura and Jen both.

Whatever the reason she didn't show and there were reports that she was one unhappy camper at the Spirit Awards earlier in the day. MSNBC is reporting that she was frowning every time the camera panned on to her.

According to a source she seemed grouchy and irritated. They noted that when she was knocked up with baby Shiloh she was always happy and smiling. But now that the new baby or babies to be named later are on their way, she is not happy, the source speculated according to the MSNBC column.

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