Friday 30 August 2013

New york stop and frisk court ruling

New york stop and frisk court ruling, A legally blind black man busted three years ago in Harlem became the first stop-and-frisk target to sue the city for false arrest since a federal court ruling against the practice.
Allen Moye, 54, alleged the NYPD arrested him on bogus charges as he waited for a friend on a street corner in September 2010.

“It was racial profiling, what they did,” Moye said Thursday. “... It’s a different Jim Crow. They try to put everybody behind bars to do their work.”

His lawsuit specifically cites Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin's decision as indicative of the NYPD’s disregard for the rights of minorities.

The department’s “unconstitutional policies of profiling minorities may be inferred by the Aug. 12, 2013 decision ... finding that the NYPD had violated the rights of thousands of citizens with respect to the application of its stop and frisk policy,” the suit said.

In her ruling, Scheindlin found that city cops were making “unconstitutional stops and conducting unconstitutional frisks” that targeted young black and Hispanic men.

Queens resident Moye, in his Manhattan lawsuit, said that he was profiled by police and taken into custody after complaining about the NYPD’s search.

Allen Moye faced charges related to credit card forgery, but all the counts were dismissed five months later.

Moye, who wears glasses and occasionally uses a cane to get around, was waiting for a friend around 4 p.m. on W. 118th St. when police approached him.

The officers “snatched his identification from him,” the lawsuit said. “When Allen complained, the police spoke rudely to him and placed him under arrest.”

The lawsuit alleged that Moye’s arms were wrenched behind his back before he was handcuffed and held in a police van for several hours.

“They treated me like I was from another planet, like I just landed in a space ship,” Moye said. “They said they didn’t care about the Fourth Amendment.

“The one cop was crazy. If this had happened at night, I would have been killed.”
Moye, the father of seven sons, said he and his offspring were all previous targets of NYPD stop-and-frisk “just for being black walking.”

Moye faced charges related to credit card forgery, but all the counts were dismissed five months later.
The NYPD “intentionally conspired to fabricate evidence against him, including omitting and manipulating evidence ... fabricating evidence and concealing exculpatory evidence,” his lawsuit said.

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