Sunday 2 September 2012

I Wonder What's Inside This Horse

I Wonder What's Inside This Horse, After 10 long years of siege on the city of Troy, the Greeks devised a cunning deception. They would build a giant wooden horse and claim it was a gift to the Trojans for a war well fought. Once the Trojans wheeled it into the city, Greek warriors would hop out and take them by surprise.

Only Cassandra was skeptical of the Greek gift. Apollo had granted her the ability to see into the future, also bestowing upon her the curse of having no one believe her premonitions. In her mind's eye, she could see that accepting the horse into Troy would lead to the destruction of the city. True to the curse, however, Deiphobus and the rest of the Trojans ignored her and spent their time high-fiving each other and uploading self-congratulatory posts to Facebook.

According to Homer in his "Odyssey," Cassandra sought evidence to prove her premonition. She tweeted Odysseus (@hateslongtrips) the following message:

@hateslongtrips You put a bunch of warriors in that horse, didn't you?

Translations of Odysseus' response vary, but the general consensus is that he tweeted the following:

@alwaysrightcassandra LOLZ! u know it. all up in that horse right now. prepare 2 B pwned.

Cassandra ran to Deiphobus with her phone to show him Odysseus' tweet. He was instantly concerned and checked his own feed to verify that Cassandra wasn't just being her crazy old self. There it was, right underneath Achilles' tweet about his old sports injury acting up. Odysseus had tricked them.

Once night fell, the Greeks unfurled their rope ladders and climbed down out of the horse, only to discover 2,000 Trojan soldiers surrounding them. The Greek army was annihilated.

The battle could have been much different, had Odysseus been savvier about social media. Instead, it stands as a testament and constant reminder to watch what you say online. And don't waste your time sitting in horses.

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