Tuesday 28 August 2012

College health hazards

College health hazards - Did you know that kissing, showering, sleeping or snacking while studying could pose a health risk? Check out the illnesses and health hazards college students should be mindful of while mapping out their social lives and cramming for exams.

What is it? A disease caused by an infectious virus epstein barr virus that typically affects adolescents and young adults.

How is it contracted? Through a cough, sneeze, sharing food utensils or during a form of affection that earned the disease this nickname kissing disease.

Symptoms: If these flu-like symptoms mononucleosis symptoms fever aches sore throat last for more than a week, see your doctor.

The solution: Plenty of rest and fluid intake. A traditional Chinese herb Astragalus is also known to assist the body in fighting the infection.
Bedbug bites
What are they? Small non-flying insects that feed off humans and animals.

How are they contracted? They lurk and bite and suck the blood of sleeping humans.

Symptoms: Can be easily mistaken for other types of insect bites, but there are some distinguishing symptoms bed bug bite symptoms to help during diagnosis.

The solution: Typical anti-itch ointment can be used for the bite, but treating the infestation bed bugs treatment will take a bit more work.
Athlete's foot
What is it? A highly contagious fungal infection of the skin, also known by this name ringworm of the foot.

How is it contracted? Person-to-person contact, typically in locker rooms, swimming pools or through contaminated socks athlete's foot symptoms itching stinging burning.

Symptoms: Many experience no symptoms, while others exhibit these signs of discomfort.

The solution: Wear flip-flops in the shower and around swimming pools for prevention. A common household product athlete's foot apple cider vinegar also can provide relief.
Sexually transmitted diseases
What are they? Common infections caused by bacteria, parasites or viruses.

How are they contracted? Typically contracted through sexual intercourse and passed from person to person in blood, semen or vaginal fluid.

Symptoms: Vary depending on the disease, but there are some common signs Common STDs and Their Symptoms.

The solution: Different diseases require different treatments, but the best solution is prevention by using condoms or abstinence.
The Freshman 15
What is it? The number of pounds reportedly gained during a student's first year at college.

How is it contracted? There is more to it than an increase in appetite. See the common causes freshman 15 eating alcohol stress.

Symptoms: Watch your midsection for this familiar sign muffin top that your weight is on the rise.

The solution: This battle of the bulge can be conquered through calorie control and exercise.

What is it? A contagious airborne virus that affects the respiratory tract. In 2009, this new strain swine flu caused the first flu pandemic in 41 years.

How is it contracted? Spread by transferring fluids from the cough or sneeze of a sick person to your system with your hands.

Symptoms: Fever, cough, chills, sore throat and fatigue are common symptoms that could develop into life-threatening medical complications life-threatening influenza symptoms.

The solution: Wash your hands and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Over-the-counter medication is a great start, but some prefer to fight it off using vaccinations or natural home remedies at-home flu remedies.

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