Monday 16 January 2012

Govan School Transgender

Govan School Transgender

High School Teenager “Trapped In A Boy’s Body” Kicked Out Of School For Rockin’ Girly Gear To Class
Govan School Transgender - School 'expels' teen for dressing like girl, Seventeen-year-old Jaime Love is a boy who says he identifies more as a girl. His notoriously rough school, however, could apparently not abide the teen coming to class dressed in a skirt, tights, hair extensions and makeup; and this week school officials reportedly "expelled" the boy.

Jamie Love returned to Govan High School wearing make up, hair extensions and tights after the Christmas break. The 17-year old says he’s been humiliated and picked on because of his life choices. Govan High says it has no objections to his clothes, but there are concerns over his attitude to his studies.
Jamie said: “When went into the class, everything was fine and then the teacher came and got me and then took me into the school and asked me what I was trying to do to the school. Then they said: ‘You shouldn’t be dressed like that.’
“Then two deputies came in and said my time at Govan High was over and then I got my stuff and had to leave. I asked if I could come back as a boy and they said no.”
Jamie, who prefers to be called Keirny, has been a pupil at Govan High for the past six years. The school says he has neither been expelled nor suspended but has been asked to leave because of his poor attendance record and his attitude to his studies.

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